Ballard established themselves as a global leader in hydrogen fuel cell technology, expanded into new markets, and gained widespread acceptance of their technology. Subsequently, their brand required an overhaul in order to reflect their new reality – as an innovator and at the forefront of the industry.
We took Ballard through our rebranding process, which included stakeholder interviews, a brand audit, competitor analysis and positioning. Before we even touched the visual identity, we had a strong strategy in place.
Creating visual interest and hierarchy
Our challenge was to update the brand identity without losing its recognizable and valuable aspects. We refreshed the logo, keeping the blue square but replacing the outdated lightning bolts and typeface with custom typography. We integrated flexibility with various formats as well as a system for the product line logos.
Composing a tagline with multi-layered meaning
The tagline “Here for life” says that they are here for the long haul. It also carries a secondary, equally important meaning: that Ballard’s environmentally sustainable solutions are here for the life of the planet and all the creatures that live on it.
The new identity system features a fresh colour palette and dynamic gradient that represents a hydrogen fuel cell’s chemical reaction. The updated photography style guide includes delighted people in vehicles powered by Ballard technology for deep connection with their target audience.